Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I just want to let you know some of the many things I am Thankful for!

1- My Family and the love a support they give!

2- My wonderful husband for always being so PATIENT!

3- My little boy Austin.... He brings smiles to my face everyday! Like today I asked him to help me make these turkeys and he said "Yes mommy! That would make my feelings really happy to help you!"

4- The gospel... to help us know that there are reasons for our trials and to help us over come them!

5- For a warm place to live and food on my table!

There are so so many more...............


1 comment:

Cam and Jess said...

Cute Turkeys! I love Austin's comment so much! I can't imagine that you have a day that goes by that you don't laugh at something cute he says!